Monday, February 14, 2011

Position and Privilege

As I was reading this morning through Luke 14, I was struck by the comment made by one of those at the Pharisee's table.  He said, "What a privilege it would be to have a share in the kingdom." (14:15)  Even as we receive teaching to the contrary from the lips of Jesus, we are the Pharisee in question, bound by and reacting out of our brokenness rather than the perspective of the redemption we have received.   This man spoke those words moments after hearing Jesus teach on not seeking privilege.  The Lord said, "Do this instead...sit at the foot of the table." (14:10) We are to take the place of the least and not seek privilege to which we feel we might be entitled.  For, "All those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted." (14:11)

This may well be the hardest lesson for a Christian to learn, and one which I have struggled with through my whole 30 year walk with Christ.  When you grow up in relative poverty clawing your way out of that into a place of privilege becomes your default mode. Then Jesus happens and all that gets challenged. To be told to "sit at the foot of the table" goes against all you have struggled to over come.  Therein lies the paradox.  My flesh wants nothing to do with this humility and my spirit cries out for submission. My passions are at war within me. 
Lord, this battle has already been won for me on the cross.  Empower and enable me not to give into the passions of the flesh, but to live in the humble submission at the foot of the table, trusting that in your will and timing I will be exalted.
                           Bible quotes are from the ESV

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