Saturday, August 6, 2011

August Update & Prayer Letter

Greetings in the name of Jesus to our friends and fellow workers for the Kingdom!

          We give thanks to the Lord for all the prayer and financial support that we have received from so many over these last 18 months.  I know that I shouldn’t be surprised, but am constantly amazed at the ways that God’s grace, mercy and abundant provision are poured out upon us as we remain faithful to his calling.

          This past spring season of prayer, discernment and investigation of alternative income sources was a little rough emotionally for us, but spiritually productive.  As some of you are aware, I laid myself off from MVM at the end of February.  I began a “seniors” employment course and was also working to upgrade my security certification with an eye to returning to the secular workforce…at least part time as a “tent-maker”.  I was actually offered a job, but it would have been mostly night security work.  In the end, in consultation with my prayer partners and family we decided that while it might make us more comfortable financially, the ministry would end up suffering… defeating the whole purpose we have been called to Squamish in the first place. 

          In the midst of the struggle, however, and while I was on EI, MVM received a significant grant from one of our major supporters which has allowed for me to go back on ¾ salary ($3000/mo.) as of July 1st. This should give us sufficient funds to get us through to the end of the year.  Once again, the Lord has provided sovereignly in an amazing way for our needs.   

          It has become inherently clear to me that what we had planned when we moved to Squamish, that is to “plant church” in the classical model, was not what God intended for us at all.   We believed that we should be able to raise a self-supporting congregation within 12-18 months and would then be looking at starting a second work in Whistler in year two.  It sounded and looked great on paper, but I can see now that it was mostly born out of my need to be a successful church planter rather than a faithful servant.  I should have been listening better when the other Squamish pastors told me that the greatest need was with the homeless and street.  God was speaking through them!

          Well, I am listening now.  In the last six weeks Elsie Quick and Evelyn Leeburn from Partners in Hope Vancouver have been travelling up to Squamish once or twice a week to help Mark & I work the street and establish relationships with the staff, residents and clients of the local shelter.  It is a phenomenal thing when after struggling with your own agenda for so long and failing… you finally step into God’s will and purpose.  The frustration of the last 18 months is being replaced with joy, peace and excitement, as we are able to assist, pray with and for, and be Christ to those who God has determined and set aside as our community.

          Two weeks ago we held a BBQ at MVM and invited all those we had been caring for, speaking and praying with…51 showed up.  We had a wonderful time of fellowship and were able to have significant conversations and prayer with a few. Some of those have started to worship with us on Sundays and others who we would have least expected have offered to help us in the ministry even as they are still struggling with their own lives.  Last Saturday we were honoured to do a memorial for a dear besieged soul who had gone to be with the Lord the previous weekend.   These are small beginnings, but God is building His church and we believe that Mountain Valley “Mission” is starting to fulfill its intended calling and purpose.

          We are planning a drug and alcohol recovery program starting in September, one-on-one prayer counselling and continue to offer the food co-op as a vehicle for our clients to move into independence and self-sufficiency for provision for their daily needs.   

          I intend using the Halter/Smay Tangible Kingdom Primer this fall as a discipleship tool with our leadership as a way to make the “…for the sake of others” label that we have adopted for our ministry real, and to help them see other potential areas in their neighbourhoods where they can be “incarnate” in this way.  Halter and Smay’s book was the most challenging of my spring reads and has served to help me focus my prayer and spiritual attention on the “main thing” once again.

          We have simplified Sunday liturgy and teaching (also in a Halter/Smay model) in order to make it more accessible to the people Jesus has put us amongst.  The response from both the present and new people is quite positive, but we know that we need to remain pliable and responsive to the work of the Spirit and the needs of His people.  This is a work in progress and we would value your prayers as we seek to create relevant, but still Anglican worship that can speak into the hearts and minds of our community.  You might be able to tell that we are “pumped” and very excited about the next season. 

          Mountain Valley is a mission, as Bishop Chuck Murphy says, “nothing more and nothing less.”  This Squamish manifestation looks a lot different from many other church-planting models that we Anglicans have become used to in the last few years.  I have accepted the “missionary” moniker and all that it entails, including the need for deputation in order to support what we are being called to do here.   So, I am asking for your help…both prayer and financial.   We need to begin raising the 2012 income and are looking for 100 people @ $50/mo. who would be willing to include us in their mission giving.  Larger gifts will be gratefully accepted and all donations over $20 will be receipted. We are a registered Canadian charity and able to issue income tax receipts.

Please ask the Lord to show you how you would be able to help out….and then tell us what you receive from the Lord as you pray for us.  We can be contacted by phone at 604-567-7400 or at   Your discernment will help us to continue to walk in God’s will and timing.  If you do have the ability & calling to support our ministry financially, please address your offerings to Mountain Valley Mission, Box 1231, Squamish BC  V8B 0A8. 

Thank you for your friendship, sponsorship, your prayer and faithful ministry to us.

Your servants in Christ,
The Rev. Barclay & Mary Mayo

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