We had the privilege of meeting and speaking at length with the artist. Moshe told us that each of the colours had a meaning in Jewish Kabbalah thinking, and that the shapes and numbers were all meant to convey a particular emotion and/or spiritual understanding of humanity's relationship with God and his chosen people.

The director of a media company was on site shooting and interviewing for a DVD in which all 150 paintings will be shown and explained. There was also a young Rabbi and theology student working for Moshe who was very interested in what was happening in the North American Anglican scene...so we had a couple of hours of wide ranging discussion on both Jewish and Christian topics. This is from Psalm 122..Let us go up to the house of the Lord. Our feet have been standing within your gates, O Jerusalem! All of Moshe's wonderful paintings can be view on their web site http://www.museumofpsalms.com/ .

We are bringing a couple of examples home. Mary was particularly taken with this one from Psalm 107 which speaks of Yahewh's steadfast love for His creation. Psalm 107:13 Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and He saved them from their distress.(NIV)
The release today of The Way The Truth And The Life has caused quite a stir in Christian circles, and there is much speculation that the end of the Anglican Communion, as we have known it, is in sight. The document certainly reads that way, but we shall have to see what transpires next week. It can be downloaded for free from http://www.gafcon.org/. Archbishop Akinola was refused entry into Jordan, and Greg Venables stayed home to care for his wife. The pre-conference leadership meeting was moved yesterday to Jerusalem. Satan and his minions are afoot and trying desperately to disrupt the faithful from moving in God's will. Please continue to pray for us and the leadership as the week ahead approaches.
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